As the price of college continues to climb, many families need to focus on the financial aspects of the college admissions process.
As one of the most experienced admissions strategists in the United States, I am available to guide you and your family through the negotiating stage.
I can help you maximize your chances of getting an attractive merit package – while I assist you with education planning, school selection, and the development of your personal admissions portfolios.
Q. My child’s school guidance counselor is very busy. Moreover, she says that she doesn’t believe in negotiating with colleges because there are other students who may need the money more. Can you help?
A. Most high school guidance counselors offer standard college-oriented assistance. Many have neither the time nor the budget to extensively research, visit, and get to know admissions officers at the top universities across the country.
The guidance counselor shortage and the lack of training for college advisors is a widespread problem. In New York, the average school guidance counselor has a caseload of 450 students. The average guidance counselor in Illinois has a caseload of 700. To make matters worse, even when there are counselors at schools, they are not always trained to help students apply to college.
In contrast, I provide families with one of the most thought-provoking and meaningful admissions preparation programs in the world. And I believe that you should absolutely negotiate for the best possible package for your family. A college will do what is in its best interest—and you should too.
© 1999-2025 Steven Roy Goodman and
Strategies for Acing the College and Graduate School Admissions Process
Phone/WhatsApp: (202) 986-9431 | Email:
3554 Appleton Street NW, Washington, DC 20008
Skype: gotouniversity | YouTube: Steven Roy Goodman