News organizations throughout the United States and around the world turn to Steve Goodman for his insights into the college admissions process and trends in higher education. Here are just some of the articles in which he has been cited or quoted:
- “Virtual Recruitment to Remain a Permanent Part of Enrollment Strategy, Officials Say,” The GW Hatchet, February 13, 2023
- “The Supreme Court Has Heard Oral Arguments in the Affirmative Action Case. What’s Next?” The Harvard Crimson, November 17, 2022
- “Populist-Driven Frustration and Access to Education,” News24, February 15, 2022
- “COVID-19 Sparked a Surge of Grad School Applications, Experts Say,” WUSA9, December 7, 2020
- “College Planning in an Era of Uncertainty,” Harvard Club of Washington, DC, September 8, 2020
- “Will Travel Insurance Become A Must-Have Purchase?” Forbes, July 20, 2020
- “How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation for College,” U.S. News and World Report, February 5, 2020
- “University of Denver Will Stop Requiring Prospective Students to Submit SAT or ACT Scores,” The Denver Post, March 19, 2019
- “Application Numbers Steady After Test-Optional Spike,” The GW Hatchet, March 7, 2019
- “Will Bloomberg’s $1.8 Billion Gift to Johns Hopkins University Expand Opportunities for Low-Income Students?” The Baltimore Sun, November 20, 2018
- “Class of 2021 Records Highest Freshman Retention Rate in Seven Years,” The GW Hatchet, October 22, 2018
- “Admissions Rates at Record Low Across Ivy League, Stanford, MIT,” The Harvard Crimson, April 9, 2018
- “New SAT Scores Sow Confusion Over How to Tell a Good Result,” The Washington Post, September 26, 2017
- “Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of Missouri,” The New York Times, July 10, 2017
- “The First Crack in the US College Cartel,” New York Post, June 1, 2017
- “Ten Books To Get You Through The College Admission Cycle,” Forbes, April 26, 2017
- “What’s Worse Than Waiting to Hear From Colleges? Getting Interrogated About It,” The Wall Street Journal, March 8, 2017
- “8 Lecciones Prácticas sobre Educación que dejan los Obama como Padres,” Univision Noticias, January 23, 2017
- ” ‘Make America Great Again’ Meets #FeesMustFall,” News24, December 1, 2016
- “Barron Trump’s School Choices,” LifeZette, November 17, 2016
- “Ambos Requieren de Clases Similares, y Otros Signos de que un Double Major es para Ti,” Telemundo, July 6, 2016
- “UNC Academic Scandal Under Review By Accreditation Agency Again,” The News and Observer, June 11, 2016
- “On the Rise,” Brown Daily Herald, May 26, 2016
- “CSN, UNLV Want to Make College Accessible for Nevada Residents,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, April 24, 2016
- “New Report Suggests Admission Changes,” Brown Daily Herald, February 17, 2016
- “Admissions Office Reduces Off-Campus Student Interviews to ‘Streamline’ Resources,” The GW Hatchet, February 15, 2016
- “E.D. II: The Not-So-Early Decision,” The New York Times, November 1, 2015
- “Test Essay Scores Optional for Class of 2021 Onwards,” Brown Daily Herald, October 21, 2015
- “Sorting The Stats: The College Rankings Craze,” Brown Daily Herald, September 17, 2015
- “New Town, Dulaney Had 100 Percent College Acceptance Rate,” The Baltimore Sun, June 29, 2015
- “During The Financial Aid Process, Students Should Receive Individualized Attention,” The GW Hatchet, June 9, 2015
- “The Kind Of Parenting That Does More Harm Than Good,” Deseret News, June 4, 2015
- “Students Should Not Spread Themselves Too Thin,” The Crimson White (University of Alabama), April 6, 2015
“University To Fund Trips For Accepted Students Who Can’t Afford Spring
Visit,” The GW Hatchet, March 19, 2015
- “Experts Say Financial Aid Budget Increase Will Have Limited Impact,” The GW Hatchet, June 10, 2014
- “College: 20 Years Later,” Coastal Virginia Magazine, May-June 2014
- “GW Grows Financial Aid Pool After $2 Million Cut Last Year,” The GW Hatchet, May 19, 2014
- “Dartmouth Battles Online Ads Claiming Campus ‘Rape Problem’,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 13, 2014
- “As Early Admissions Rise, So Does Pressure,” The Harvard Crimson, March 27, 2014
- “Harvard Basketball Gets Winning Way From New England Prep School,” Bloomberg News, March 11, 2014
“Three Things Divorced Parents Need to Know About College,” Reuters, March 3, 2014
- “What Should I Write? How to Tackle Those Pesky College Essays,” The News and Observer, December 21, 2013
- “New Trend: Colleges Taking Money From Scholarship Funds,” Deseret News, November 26, 2013
- “The Messy Science of GW Admissions,” The GW Hatchet, October 28, 2013
- “Non aux Études Universitaires,” Métro Montréal, October 14, 2013
- “Harvard Hoops Champions Prove Ivy Laggard in NCAA Academic Report,” Bloomberg News, September 13, 2013
- “UCT TV Shoots US Talk Show,” Varsity (University of Cape Town), July 23, 2013
- “Colleges Customizing Campus Admissions Tours for Students,” University Business Magazine, July 2013
- “Tuition Hikes: Why Higher Education Spends Millions on Campus Cosmetics,” CBS New York, March 27, 2013
- “Government Searches for Student Debt Solution,” Daily Pennsylvanian, February 21, 2013
- “One in 7 Washington Households in the Top 5 Percent,” The Washington Post, February 11, 2013
- “Corbett Proposes Flat Funding for Penn Vet,” Daily Pennsylvanian, February 5, 2013
- “Concordia University Slashing Tuition, Financial Aid,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, September 12, 2012
- “Six Things to Know About Private Student Loans,” Fox Business, August 2, 2012
- “Penn Jumps to 17th in Forbes “Top Colleges” Ranking,” Daily Pennsylvanian, August 1, 2012
“The right number’s going to be different for every student,” Goodman notes. “If you find that you have to work past midnight to keep up with your load of AP courses, you probably have piled on too many.”
— U.S. News and World Report, May 10, 2012
“Weigh the Benefits, Stress of AP Courses for Your Student,” U.S. News and World Report, May 10, 2012
- “AP Test Takers on the Rise,” Daily Pennsylvanian, February 27, 2012
- “Pa. Colleges May See Major Budget Cuts,” Daily Pennsylvanian, February 9,
- “UI Includes Incomplete Applications in Acceptance Rate,” The Daily Iowan, January 17, 2012
- “If The U Fits,” Good Neighbor Magazine, Fall-Winter 2011
- “Princeton, Harvard Early Admissions Seen as Potential Cause of Penn Application Decline,” The Daily Princetonian, November 29, 2011
- “Why College Tuition Should Be Regulated,” TIME, October 27, 2011
- “Penn Ranks 16th in World University Rankings,” Daily Pennsylvanian, October 12, 2011
- “Financial Aid Calculator to Come to Penn,” Daily Pennsylvanian, September 25, 2011
- “Who Should Educate the Educators?” The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 21, 2011
“Isn’t That Illegal? Answering Uncomfortable Interview Questions,”, August 29, 2011
- “New Technology Lets Parents Spy on Their Children,” MainStreet, August
20, 2011
- “Keeping Secrets,” Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, June 14, 2011
- “Despite Deferral, Dream Still Intact for Admit” Daily Pennsylvanian, April 11, 2011
- “Parent and Expert Tips for Juggling Busy Kids,” LiveScience, April 8, 2011
- “Admissions Rate Drops to 12.3 Percent,” Daily Pennsylvanian, March 30, 2011
- “Admissions Turns Into a Family Affair,” Daily Pennsylvanian, March 22, 2011
- “AP Test Results: State Ranks Fourth in U.S.,” Hartford Courant, February 9, 2011
- “Total Applications Hit Record Highs Across Schools,” Daily Pennsylvanian, January 20, 2011
“The key is to get involved in activities that you like.”
— Hartford Courant, January 13, 2011
- “Helping College Students Cope With Post-Holiday Depression,” Live Health Chat, Hartford Courant, January 13, 2011
- “Wake Schools Will Continue Accreditation Process,” The News and Observer, January 13, 2011
- “The Right Way to Pitch Yourself to a School,” U.S. News and World Report, America’s Best Colleges 2011
- “Deciphering Your Doubts,” Student Lawyer, American Bar Association, December 2010
- “The Value of a Law Degree,” Student Lawyer, American Bar Association, December 2010
- “Vocational Schools Doing The Job For More Students,” CNBC, December 20, 2010
- “Higher Education Today’s Episodes Available Online,” Admitted, National Association for College Admission Counseling, December 2, 2010
- “Some U.S. College Students Look to the U.K.,” The Wall Street Journal, November 29, 2010
- “Colleges Asked to Pare Degree Programs,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 10, 2010
- “Accommodations Angst,” The New York Times, November 7, 2010
- “Campus Tours Go Disney,” Washington Monthly, September 2010
- “Grad Humanities Interest Still High,” Daily Pennsylvanian, September 21, 2010
“Alumni Travel Tours Link Travelers to School Spirit and Each Other,” Los Angeles Times, September 12, 2010
- “Private Practice,” Times Higher Education (London Times), September 9, 2010
- “Top Questions to Ask Your Guidance Counselor,” Navigating College Admissions Guide, Fall 2010
- “Author: Applying for College Is a Family Affair,” The Sandpaper (New Jersey), August 25, 2010
- “Interests, Not Jobs, Key in Choosing College Major,” Chicago Tribune, August 12, 2010
- “College Tour Guides Play Key Role,” Columbia Daily Tribune, August 10, 2010
- “At Babson College in Wellesley, It Was Lobster without Sugarcoating for College Counselors,” The Wellesley Townsman, August 5, 2010
- “Universities Have to Be More Open,” Irish Independent, July 9, 2010
- “New Jersey Hopes to Keep College Students In-State,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 7, 2010
- “4 Things to Take and Leave When on Vacation,”, June 21, 2010
- “Career Strategies Mailbox,” The Wall Street Journal, June 9, 2010
- “Schools Adjust as Graduation Rate Finally Peaks,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 29, 2010
- “The Myth of Testing for Giftedness,” ParentDish, May 14, 2010
- “Penn Waitlists Over 3000,” Daily Pennsylvanian, April 8, 2010
- “Duke Balances Competing Goals in Admissions,” Duke Chronicle, March 30, 2010
- “The Trick to Fixing Schools,” Daily Pennsylvanian, February 5, 2010
- “Associate Degrees Open Doors,” G.I. Jobs, 2010 Guide to Military Friendly Schools
- “Stop Selling Yourself Short When Applying for College,” U.S. News and World Report, America’s Best Colleges 2010
- “How to Beat the Winter Break Blahs,” The Examiner, December 28, 2009
- “Foster Access to Opportunity,” Georgetown Hoya, November 17, 2009
- “Cool Schools,” Sierra Magazine, September/October 2009
- “Percentage of Female MBAs Climbing at Wharton,” Daily Pennsylvanian, September 24, 2009
- “Do College Rankings Exaggerate the Academic Arms Race?” Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine, September 7, 2009
- “On Edge About College: For Incoming Freshman – And Their Parents – It’s A Time Of High Anxiety,” Hartford Courant, August 5, 2009
“Work and Family Mailbox,” The Wall Street Journal, August 5, 2009
- “Students Downsize College Dreams,” The Boston Globe, May 4, 2009
- “College Choices Shift to Thrift,” New York Post, April 27, 2009
- “CU Hopes to Nab Commitments from Admitted Students,” Daily Camera (Boulder), April 5, 2009
- “10 Things to Do Once You’ve Got the College Admissions Letter,” Fox Business News, March 25, 2009
- “Time to Padlock College President Pay?” The Patriot-News, March 1, 2009
- “Party Goes On For College Spring Breakers,” Yahoo! News, February 2, 2009
- “Rowing is Growing,” St. Petersburg Times, January 23, 2009
- “How to Get Admissions Officers to Say Yes,” U.S. News and World Report, America’s Best Colleges 2009
- “Wealthy UVa Deserves Bailout?” Charlottesville Daily Progress, December 21, 2008
- “Many Affluent Parents Pick Public Schools for Children,” The Examiner, November 23, 2008
- “FAFSA Could Be Cut Down,” The Daily Free Press (Boston University), October 14, 2008
- “Is Elite School a Good Choice?” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 25, 2008
- “Take Tough Class But Not The Test?” Las Vegas Sun, September 19, 2008
- “Not Your Father’s Freshman Orientation – Or Is It?” The Greentree Gazette, July 2008
- “Skill-Level Testing Graduates to College,” The Denver Post, June 23, 2008
- “Some Local High Schoolers Keep Hefty Workload Even in Summer,” The Examiner, May 28, 2008
- “Wake Forest Drops SAT, ACT Requirement, Boosting Movement to Make Standardized Tests Optional,” TIME, May 27, 2008
- “What Should Universities Use to Evaluate Students?” Google News, May 27, 2008
- “Higher Learning’s Higher Competition,” The Baltimore Sun, April 10, 2008
- “Study Shows College’s Sports Team Impacts Applications,” Macleans OnCampus, March 24, 2008
- “Work and Family Mailbox,” The Wall Street Journal, March 20, 2008
- “Parents, Students are Ready for Spring Visits to Colleges,” The Examiner, March 14, 2008
- “How to Bear Stresses of College Admissions,” Georgetown Current, March 12, 2008
- “A Cure for the College-Bound Blues,” The New York Times, March 9, 2008
- “Congress Wants Rich Schools like UW to Give Students a Break,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 3, 2008
- “Getting In: Students Hedge Bets on Colleges,” The News and Observer, March 2, 2008
- “Sacked Admissions?” South Bend Tribune, February 24, 2008
- “Are Students Working Too Hard for a High School Diploma?” U.S. News and World Report, February 18, 2008
- “Total Application Numbers Steady,” Daily Pennsylvanian, February 15, 2008
- “Kosher Campus Corps,” Washington Jewish Week, February 14, 2008
“Tuitions Still Rising as Endowments in Va. Grow,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, February 11, 2008
- “Laughs, Movies and Getting into College,” Newsday, February 3, 2008
- “Well-Funded Schools vs. High College Costs,” The Baltimore Sun, January 28, 2008
- “Colleges and Sticker Shock,” Chicago Tribune, January 26, 2008
- “Following The Crimson Leader,” Yale Daily News, January 15, 2008
- “Flipped Out,” MarketWatch, January 6, 2008
- “How Parents Can Get College Kids to Share Their Grades,” USA WEEKEND, January 6, 2008
- “The Real Story on Harvard’s Generosity,” The Boston Globe, December 31, 2007
- “Audit Turns Acclaim into Outrage at Preuss,” San Diego Union-Tribune, December 12, 2007
- “Parents on Prowl for the Best High School,” Columbus Dispatch, December 10, 2007
- “It’s College Essay Crunch Time at CU-Boulder,” Daily Camera (Boulder), November 27, 2009
- “Adviser Explains College Choices,” The Bergen Record (New Jersey), November 14, 2007
- “College Presidents Boycott Rankings,” The News and Observer, August 16, 2007
- “Short-Changing Universities,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 13, 2007
- “Raising a Family at School,” The Boston Globe, May 1, 2007
- “College Rankings Serve Students, Crow and ASU,” The Arizona Republic, April 7, 2007
- “Satisfied with Financial Aid?” The Charlotte Observer, April 1, 2007
- “Dual Credit Gives Leg Up to Students,” Longview News-Journal (Texas), March 25, 2007
- “Colleges Turn to Net for Recruits,” Argus Leader, March 22, 2007
- “The Measure of Learning,” U.S. News and World Report, March 12, 2007
- “Bill Seeks to Have All Maine High School Seniors Apply to College,” The Examiner, March 8, 2007
- “Paying High Prices to Bear the College Burden,” Newsday, January 28, 2007
- “Grinnell Stuns Students with Unusual Tuition Jump,” Des Moines Register, January 23, 2007
- “More, Please,” The New York Times, January 7, 2007
- “Is Dip in Duke Applicants Tied to Lacrosse Case?” U.S. News and World Report, January 4, 2007
“It’s a Girl’s World,” U.S. News and World Report, America’s Best Colleges 2007
- “Duke Mobilizes to Shield its Image,” The News and Observer, December 22, 2006
- “Freshman Orientation – For Parents,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, October 2, 2006
- “The Ex-Factor,” Newsweek, August 28, 2006
- “Back a Grade to Make the Grade?” The Dallas Morning News, August 15, 2006
- “Brain Gain: American Students Flock North,” The Globe and Mail, July 15, 2006
- “U.S. Collegians Leaving the U.S.,” The Providence Journal, June 21, 2006
- “University of Delaware Drops its Early Admission Program,” The News Journal (Delaware), June 8, 2006
- “Ivy League Colleges Find 2006 is Buyers’ Market,” Financial Times, April 14, 2006
- “Volunteering Because You Must,” The Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2006
- “Pa.’s Big Test: Improve Dropout Rate,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 26, 2006
- “Baseball Signs Wall Street Heavy Hitters to Analyze Talent, Payroll, Swaps,” Bloomberg News, January 19, 2006
- “University of California Accused of Christian Bias,” The Washington Times, December 11, 2005
- “Summer Is No Break For College-Obsessed Students,” New Haven Register, July 24, 2005
- “Saving for College 101,”, June 9, 2005
- “Scholarships: Holding Less Sway,” Newsweek, May 2, 2005
- “Hey, Profs, Come Back to Earth,” The Washington Post, April 10, 2005
- “Full Activity, Study Schedules Have Many Teens Just Saying No To Jobs,” USA TODAY, April 7, 2005
- “You’re Accepted, But With a Catch,” Chicago Tribune, November 29, 2004
- “Pressed to Do Well On Admissions Tests, Students Take Drugs,” The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2004
- “Your College Guide,” Seventeen, November 2004
- “The Big Picture,” The Atlantic Monthly, October 2004
- “Change on Early Admission Produces Application Shifts,” The New York Times, November 13, 2003
- “What Makes a College Good?” The Atlantic Monthly, November 2003
- “College Admissions chat with expert Steven Roy Goodman,” CosmoGirl, October 12, 2000
- “O, Canada,” Kiplinger’s, September 1998
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